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Yanjing usi interior Beer For 220 million on revenue of Henan

已有 660 次阅读2011-2-24 14:07 |

Yanjing usi interior Beer For 220 million on revenue of Henan Mountain Beer 90% equity
the central bank raised the reserve ratio again, the provincial government will be Shuizhengguanli second five super-nati usi interior onal treatment to foreign companies under the usi usi interior interior right FAO has called for vigilance on the food crisis the end mobile users free of charge to iPhone cut card company involved in lead acid batteries storm usi interior Guo Tian Yong: Why do I refuse tslitting machine o look at the Asian Games in Guangzhou
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Known as the "back garden of Hangzhou," said Tonglu, planning to use 5-8 years time, will have holy water in the days of mowall decor untain about 3,000 acres of planning area Sihu into a set of five-star hotel, the landscape of residential, health and property is equal to one of the international leisure and tourist resort.
Including: technical innovation based commercial air conditioning 6tattoo supplies billion expansion project, construction project of Wuhan 5.6 billion commercial air conditioning, home air conditioning projects in Zhengzhou 760 million yuan, annual output of 600 million new energy-saving environmental protection projects 1.1led street lights 8 billion domestic air conditioner compressors, energy saving refrigeration equipment Engineering usi interior Research Center for Rehabilitation Project 5.6 billion renovation.
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