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Do you have enough wow gold

已有 694 次阅读2010-12-23 08:28

Do you have enough wow gold
As the currency in the world of warcraft gold COINS, also affect how you in wow gold WangKaiFang lich, game life comfort. The lich king hasn't had much to the project, but consumer gold wow gold COINS in the hand, blunt class professional skills, changing equipment, etc, also more advantage. Many playing warcraft zone under investigation, open a hand, WLK how many gold?
Important concept,Responding to world of warcraft as the wow gold EU number of players such as network game, a new breakthrough in service also arises at the historic moment.Had called "gold" (farmer) players hoarding gold money and sold to the game to other players to benefit.Responding to this wow gold controversial has violated the rules of the game, but in the developing world to hundreds of thousands of players earn and industrial workers about wages.Player: hey, I wanted to know wow gold why ghosts crab will we some AoE treatments (refers to the light of dawn and treatment, the hand should be treated with the rain is. These spells should not except the rain is needed treatment target of such a small difference is the same?
Ghost crab: and when I say this in response to a said the hand of treatment is just another healing stream totem guy, he is not a correct and incite a paladin player suspects concoction.Player: I seem to be the hand of treatment of spring totem is an insult. I want to see it and some real healing spells to wow gold compare, such as the rain, holy nova treatment, or anything rather than healing stream totem. Just because you will they treated together is really a great insult.Ghost: I play the crab. "I'm insulted" text game without any interest. If you want to discuss some game design or professional testing feedback, I'm all ears. But if you want to complain that stylist, I'd put energy to turn to other places.
Ghost crab feel insulted their players and wow gold US creative designer's IQ, incredibly dare to the treatment of such a great design and healing stream totem such thing, that you are wow gold a bellerophon letter!Note: the above mentioned several spells,Treatment with the hand: for the center, the paladin itself within 10 yards treatment all friendly target 683.58 second life. Lasts 10 seconds. 40% of base mana, immediately cast, 3 min cooldown.The dawn of light: milk, riding CTM ultimate gift sacred. 30 yards ahead toward a cone-shaped area, treatment of divine energy within all friendly target 1832.7 2239.97 to life. 21% of wow gold base mana, casting, 30 SEC cooldown immediately.Treatment of rain: the shaman spell, similar to new druid hurricane, need not rain material.






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