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WoW:The Lord Morrowgar Overview

已有 607 次阅读2010-12-23 08:23

WoW:The Lord Morrowgar Overview
As a professional wow gold store, we have wow gold and wow accounts for sale. And also give player guides and information about WoW. This guide is a overview what you are wow account expected to do for Lord Morrowgar in the Lower Spire. Upon entering the Lower Spire, you will encounter the Argent Vanguard fighting the Scourge attempting to establish a foothold in the Citadel. Lord Morrowgar is a first boss you encounter in the Citadel. If you want to have high level wow account, you can buy it from us.
Lord Morrowgar is a very cool looking multi-headed undead wow account construct with wings and a gigantic axe. He is apparently made wow account from the bones of the Lich King's defeated enemies, and if that is true you had better be careful or you may be seeing this fight from the other side when your bones join him.
The fight has two phases. The two phases could be called "the tank and DPS phase"and the run away from the "whirling axe of death phase", but we'll just call them phase one and two. In phase one the tanks need to establish control over Lord Morrowar and face him away from the raid. Once that is done the tanks need to stack in front of him as one of his primary attacks does double normal damage, but is divided against up to three targets in his front arc.
DPS and Healers spread out around his back arc. Throughout the fight Lord Morrowgar will target players randomly for two special abilities. He can pick you to be flamed, in which case a wow account line of fire extends from him to you hitting anyone silly or slow enough to stand in it, as it remains in play for several seconds. The other ability is to spike a random player with a bone.The spike impales the player to the ground and does roughly 10% damage every tick until it has been killed. DPS must switch to and kill the spikes as soon as possible.
Every 30 seconds or so Lord Morrowgar enters phase two. In wow account this phase he clears his agro table and whirls around the room at random targets inflicting heavy damage and placing bleed debuffs on them. He also leaves trails of fire on the ground as he whirls wow account around the room. After about 20 seconds he will stop and re-enter phase one. This is the dangerous part of the fight, since he will be someplace random in the room and the tank will have no threat. To make it even worse he is immune to taunts so everyone needs to be careful.






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